History of the Native Women’s Association
of the N.W.T. and Resource Manual
Written and Researched by: Barbara Mackenzie.
Funded by the Secretary of State with support from its Yellowknife office staff: Chuck Larocque, Doris Toeg and Hilda Camirand. Copyright © 1984 by NWA/NWT All rights reserved.

Philosophy of the Native Women's
Association of the N.W.T.
To develop programs by Native women of the N.W.T. so that we function in areas that affect our daily lives : economically, culturally, educationally politically and socially.
The history of the NWA/NWT is a brief one, spanning only a few years since its beginnings at the founding conference in 1977. The chronological (by date) unfolding of the Native Women’s Association is a small part of the whole story — it is an example of the perserverance, faith and courage of the native women of the North throughout unwritten as well as written
history. It is an example of the love and strength of culture that forms the backbone of the native family and community and of the bonds that join native people of all tribes and nations together through their women. Often the historian has neglected the women of the past and emphasized instead political events and inventions largely engineered by the men. We hope that this manual will recognize the equally valuable contribution of native women in the areas they know best — health, education, child care, social services and self development. Although not often measurable like historical events in the political arena, the positive and strengthening impact of these women’s efforts will be felt in their children and children’s children for generations to come. .