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Pink T-shirt Day February 26th

Pink T-shirt Day February 26th

Pink T Shirt Day is ​February 26, 2020
The International Day of Pink is April 8, 2020

​Bullying is a major problem in our schools, workplaces, homes, and over the Internet.

Each year, on Pink T-Shirt Day, I encourage all of you to wear something pink to

symbolize that we as a society will not tolerate bullying anywhere. Take the

message and remember it all year long.

It is so important that victims of bullying know they are not alone and there is help

and support available. Wearing a pink shirt on this day sends a strong message

to them that others care. Often, the simple act of wearing a shirt can start conversations

– conversations can be a big step towards healing and helping!

There is also the International Day of Pink! This day is dedicated to the cause against

Bullying, Discrimination, Homophobia, Trans-phobia, and Trans misogyny around the

world. You can celebrate diversity by wearing a pink t-shirt and participating in activities

in your workplaces, schools, and communities.


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